Friday, March 9, 2007

I hate idiots!

Today, my wife, Kaytee, was driving home from our school on the back roads, meaning neighborhoods avoiding traffic lights. While driving that way, she saw a broken Heineken bottle scattered on her lane. She couldn't avoid driving over the glass since there was a car coming in the opposite lane.

As she drove over the glass she cringed. Knowing she was running over the glass. When she got home and turned the van off she could hear the hissing from the air rushing out of the tire.

She called me in hysterics telling me to bring a jack home. She tends to get upset over anything that goes wrong with any of our cars. I told her not to worry and that I would check the tire when I got home.

I got home just before 6pm and the tire was completely flat. I put the spare on, but refused to let her drive the van. The spare was so rusted, I wouldn't have driven on it myself. I looked at the original tire and had to actually dig the glass out with a knife. I doubt I got all of it out.

immediately and Kaytee could have lost control of the van.

PEOPLE, be aware of what you throw out of your vehicles!

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